Psychiatric-industrial complex and development of ideas that could help combat resurgence of fascism in modern capitalist societies (plus some unfinished projects)
Polska wersja For-profit psychiatry My predictions from previous post realized the same day it was published and I was locked in psychiatric “hospital” for almost 5 months (I was released on February 10, 2023). Polish government spend 54 005 PLN (about 11 173 PLN per month, while minimum wage during that time was 3 490 PLN) to keep me unproductive and isolated from society. This quite substantial amount of money was obviously not spend on providing good conditions for the patients, as there was no access to washing machines, amount of food provided was much bellow my caloric requirements (but frankly, I personalty had access to fresh clothes and additional food provided by family, others were less fortunate). I was sleeping witch 5 other men in a room that had no tables and chairs and not enough cabinets for everyone. Strict policy of the “hospital” meant that you weren’t allowed to wear a belt or freely charge electronic devices (which were allowed, but just the small ones that allow...