
Properties emerging from simple photographic equations, and a new concept for a bulky photographic smartphone

I wanted to share some of my observations concerning physical limits of photographic equipment. Decades ago 35 mm film was common, and now most photographs are made with slim pocket devices. Dedicated cameras are available, but actually not many people that I know own them (I certainly don’t). It means that popular cheap cameras produced in USSR used film with image size of 36 × 24 mm (864 mm²), while modern marvels of engineering from capitalist China sport image sensors that rarely have bigger size than 8 × 6 mm (48 mm²). Modern digital sensor have better sensitivity and resolution than ancient film made from dead animals (gelatin is an essential ingredient), so some of the problems with small frame size are alleviated. Depth of field, as I will latter show, depends only on the diameter of entrance pupil (for a given angle of view), so having a bigger camera does not mean that range of of distance at which objects can still be sharp is extended. But if reduced depth of field due to

Kompleks psychiatryczno-przemysłowy i rozwój idei, które mogłyby pomóc w walce z odrodzeniem faszyzmu we współczesnych społeczeństwach kapitalistycznych (plus kilka niedokończonych projektów)

English version Psychiatria nastawiona na zysk Moje przewidywania z poprzedniego wpisu zrealizowały się tego samego dnia, w którym został opublikowany i zostałem zamknięty w „szpitalu” psychiatrycznym na prawie 5 miesięcy (wypuszczono mnie 10 lutego 2023 r.). Polski rząd wydał 54 005 zł (około 11 173 zł miesięcznie, podczas gdy płaca minimalna w tym czasie wynosiła 3 490 zł), abym był bezproduktywny i odizolowany od społeczeństwa. Te dość pokaźne pieniądze oczywiście nie zostały wydane na zapewnienie pacjentom dobrych warunków, gdyż nie było dostępu do pralek, dostarczana ilość jedzenia była znacznie poniżej mojego zapotrzebowania kalorycznego (aczkolwiek miałem dostęp do świeżej odzieży i dodatkowej żywność dostarczanej przez rodzinę, inni nie mieli tyle szczęścia). Spałem z 5 innymi mężczyznami w pokoju, w którym nie było stołów i krzeseł ani wystarczającej liczby szafek dla wszystkich. Surowa polityka „szpitala” oznaczała, że nie wolno było nosić paska ani swobodnie ładować urządze

Psychiatric-industrial complex and development of ideas that could help combat resurgence of fascism in modern capitalist societies (plus some unfinished projects)

Polska wersja For-profit psychiatry My predictions from previous post realized the same day it was published and I was locked in psychiatric “hospital” for almost 5 months (I was released on February 10, 2023). Polish government spend 54 005 PLN (about 11 173 PLN per month, while minimum wage during that time was 3 490 PLN) to keep me unproductive and isolated from society. This quite substantial amount of money was obviously not spend on providing good conditions for the patients, as there was no access to washing machines, amount of food provided was much bellow my caloric requirements (but frankly, I personalty had access to fresh clothes and additional food provided by family, others were less fortunate). I was sleeping witch 5 other men in a room that had no tables and chairs and not enough cabinets for everyone. Strict policy of the “hospital” meant that you weren’t allowed to wear a belt or freely charge electronic devices (which were allowed, but just the small ones that allow

Cabin motorcycle

  Initial concept for a vehicle that is supposed to use negative emission ammonia engine (detailed description will be published at a later date, mention of it can be found at the bottom of this post ). “Rider” sits just like driver of a car, while "pillion" is tucked bellow and slightly rearwards of the “rider”. Drive of rear wheel is parallel clutchless hybrid system ( lithium-ion capacitors act as energy storage), while front wheel has a electric motor/generator attached to it that acts as series hybrid system  (motor/generator is there mostly to achieve regenerative braking, but some power can be send to it, making this vehicle a 2WD motorcycle ). Main power producing part of the engine, along with an electric motor/generator (connected to the ICE “directly” via single-speed internally geared transmission) and gearbox (car-type 6-speed automated  “manual” with simplest possible cone synchromesh , “two-stroke” engine is used, so no reverse gear is required) are locat

Nonimaging PVT collector and some thoughts on nuclear power

  To convert solar energy into electricity that will be later used to produce ammonia ( electrolyzing water and Haber–Bosch process ) I propose that photovoltaic thermal hybrid solar collectors (PVT) with compound parabolic concentrators (CPC) mounted on dual axis trackers should be used. cpc_c.ods is my attempt to describe basic parameters of CPC with high-school math (to achieve best results ray-tracing and realistic models of irradiance at various conditions should actually be used).

Hyperboloid dwellings

Folder “new_house” contains drawings of the thin-walled reinforced concrete structure designed to to house a family of humans. Interior structure is surrounded by a thin shell. In between those a thick layer of thermal insulation (mineral or glass wool most likely). Some insulation is placed in-between interior concrete structure and the ground. Most of the surfaces of this structures are hyperboloids of one sheet . To maximize usage of interior space, shelves and desks specially designed to be placed next to the curved walls should be installed. Proposed windows are rather small, extremely thick and hard to open (actually to be removed), so light tubes could be used to make rooms brighter. Because windows are always closed, decent HVAC system is required. 

Moonshot rocket

This is initial proposal for a crewed lunar program. It is to be based on a large, partially reusable rocket, that is relatively simple to manufacture, placing lightweight two-person spacecraft (lander) in low lunar orbit (LLO). Spacecraft consists of one engine and only single pressurized crew compartment (but cosmonauts have individual pods with life-support that would keep them alive even after depressurization event ). Propellant tanks needed to leave LLO, along with heat shield are stored in orbit while spacecraft lands on the lunar surface. Tanks needed for initial phase of descent are discarded before touchdown.   Launch vehicle

Refrigerator/HP powered by heat

This is combination of my initial Stirling refrigerator concept with Vuilleumier refrigerator . This design consists of two sections: hot one (power input) and a cold one (sucks heat out of the cooled object). Each section is is basically a closed-loop pipe, in which working gas is in constant motion (fan moves the gas). Each section has a set of two heat exchangers (each gas molecule can pass many times through exchanger during almost isothermal process), and a few regenerators that allow for heat to be stored during transitions between isotherms. Pipes can change length, thanks to movable barrier between them, so volume of the each section can change. Total volume stays constant, and pressure in both sections is always the same. 

Dichoptic e-reader application for amblyopia treatment

    Application could be developed that allows user to read e-books on a display that presents different images to the left and right eye ( dichoptic presentation ). Some of the words or letters would be missing in the image presented to the one of the eyes, forcing the brain of a person that cannot correctly process input from one of the eyes to combine visual information from both eyes ( dichoptic training ).

O kułakach, podatkach i upadku ekonomicznym Rzeczypospolitej

Sorry for writing in Polish and about mostly political topics but I have little time. I am going to be placed in mental institution by fascist regime of Polish Republic. At the end I write about ammonia powered engine that I was developing. If they destroy my mind, please continue my work.  O kułakach, podatkach i upadku ekonomicznym Rzeczypospolitej Pieniądz. Dla współczesnego polaka zarabianie na życie ma być głównym celem jego egzystencji. Od osoby mającej około 30 lat oczekuje się, że zarobi na huczne wesele i przedstawi przed swoimi znajomi sukces jaki osiągnęła w życiu. Ludziom pokroju byłego wiceministra rolnictwa Norberta Kaczmarczyka zorganizowanie wesela na 500 osób, z występem znanego zespołu Bayer Full, przedłużanym Hummerem i z prezentami takim jak ciągnik wart 1,5 miliona złotych przyszło bezproblemowo. Jednym z czynników który mógł się do tego przyczynić jest zapewne to, że brat byłego wiceministra, osoba która podarowała nieziemsko drogi ciągnik zagranicznej produkcji,

Non-ideal Carnot cycle based engine

Initial Stirling engine concept For some time I was contemplating an idea for a Stirling engine that would work quite differently than the other designs that I came across. Whole internal volume of an engine may be viewed as a closed-loop pipe, trombone-like slide mechanism allows this pipe to change its length. Electrical fan replaces displacer and pumps working fluid throughout the engine constantly and in one direction. Some portion of the pipe is replaced with branching structure that consist of two heat exchangers (hot and cold) and regenerator. On both ends of this structure special valves are located that connect one of the structure’s parts to the main pipe, so that whole engine forms one closed-loop. While this happens, both of the unused parts are completely bypassed.